

Thursday, April 7, 2016

I Promise to Take the Money Out of Politics

Could there be a more hollow declaration in campaigning for the presidency? Especially when you are already the recipient of such largess? I don't think so. But that's not the real issue here, as odd as that may seem. To understand that you also have to recognize that, even though he doesn't accept big money donations, Bernie Sanders can't promise he'll govern to thwart the system of big money either.

Here's the thing. Our government, and the foundation that big money sits on, are in so much of a symbiotic relationship that, even if you could take money out of elections (a rather dubious assumption in the long term), you could never take money out of governing. How could it be otherwise when governments have to have money to function in the first place? How could it be otherwise when business has to go like gang busters in order for any administration to achieve much of anything at all? Which makes the bottom line very simple. Piss off big money in what ever way and you'll fine they have a hundred ways to Sunday to fuck you over, and/or make you look bad.

The simple fact of the matter is this: If you really want to take away the power of big money you have to accept the fact that you have to start with an operating system that is not founded on it. And isn't just an amazing coincidence that the current system is also no longer viable for a host of other technological, as well as social, reasons. The fact that money has an inordinate amount of power is just one of them. Which leaves us with this: In order to have lasting, comprehensive change, we need to start over on how we want to organize the way things run. Which is no more than to say that we need to take responsibility for ourselves, and stop relying on the empty promises of others who can't help but be compromised in one way or another.

How 'Citizens United' Is Helping Hillary Clinton's White House Bid

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