And even if they, at the last minute, do allow a few witnesses, you know it will be an incomplete list, with incomplete documentation, and the final vote will not be impeachment; even with such a mountain of established, factual evidence, of what the man so blatantly did. So a tyrant in the making is embolden to do what tyrants will always do.
Demand more uncontested power.
And so the toadies in the Senate, who enable him, are shown to be not only the cowards they really are, but also the self centered opportunists who don't care what form of destructive evil they tie their ambitions to, so long as they get their thirty pieces of shiny shit. Shiny shit that buys them everything but what is right, moral, human, or loving; all as the planet dies in this supposedly, wonderfully booming, economy. The booming part, of course, becoming more and more obvious as the actual indicator that things have been flying apart for quite some time.
And so now it looks like there isn't anything that's going to be able to stop it, because not only have the Liberals compromised themselves with their own attraction to money (they deal in "Dark Money." too you know), they have no new ideas, to make an obsolete system work within the new rules of electrified experience retrieval. And when, conversely, the other side has abandoned rules altogether; save one, and that being "it's only winning that counts," and the winner, certainly, who gets to do the counting, of the arbitrarily defined, and ever more abstracted, shiny shit.
If this abdication of Constitutional responsibility by the Republicans doesn't convince you to wake the hell up I guess nothing else will. A pity. A real, absolutely damning pity.
Just remember this moment when things start really hitting the fan. Remember that we could have turned it around if we could have just stopped listening to the corrupted money men.
All of life, as we have come to know it, is going down the figurative drain because so many of you couldn't wake the hell up, and start listening with your heart, and your head, in dynamic balance.
I wonder even if all that many of you will share any sense of my shame that so few of us, did anything at all, to really try and keep this from happening.
I know I should have done more, sooner. Too many mistakes, from too many distractions, and my own poor choices early on. But I have always tried to not to let that stop me from doing what I can do, in the ever ongoing present. I have to admit, though, that I was hoping to get more of you to do the same.
McConnell Keeps GOP In Line With Dark Money War Chest -- Whitehouse -- Rachel Maddow -- MSNBC
Jeffrey Toobin: This means impeachment trial was a sham
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[Post Note: This bit of ironic occurrence should richly illustrate how the constructs of "Facade" men have a habit of not being made of all that much substance. Precisely because they were never meant to be. J.V.]
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