This is the vicious cycle that is part and parcel of your "Booming Economy."
It is so because every bad thing Capitalism does also creates a new market, or expands an old one, for a few to make more money on; whether its addiction treatment, or more burned out person treatment (assuming they haven't already imploded, or exploded -- though even the cleanup of that results in new, paying work, for someone), or simply more economic development that will, absolutely, create a few more jobs, even as it also creates fewer places that the workers are going to be able to afford to live in.
What else would you expect when median household incomes remain stubbornly stagnant as half of us earn only about $63K, or less a year, and most of the other half still earn less than $100k a year. Decade after decade of booms and busts, and the "Business As Usual" machinations of our Two Party Political system, and only partial recoveries, and this is all working people have to show for it. Even as Trillions of dollars were given away to the top percenters, via either Quantitative Easing (to get us out of the last big bust), or the Ryan forged tax cut (to just add insult to injury).
And all the while planetary systems get more unstable, just as our human systems get more unstable as well.
Not a good combination if you need to fix both at the same time. Of this I am quite certain.
You know how this will end if nothing truly Revolutionary is done. You know it in your gut and in your head, whether you want to admit it or not.
More of the same is only going to get you more of the same. We truly must find a completely new way of doing Social Household. Which will also absolutely require us to redefine what work should be now. There will be no other way to do this. Not if we want to heal ourselves, and the planet.
A Game Like Heroin: On Escapism, TwitchCon, and Kicking the ‘Fortnite’ Habit
[Post Note: Even though the particular story, just below here, isn't about American universities, it does illustrates similar stresses that the, more and more dominating, money aspect of things, creates; as is only too common here, as well as it is in the U.K. J.V.]
The sinking class: the New Yorkers left to fight the climate crisis alone
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