What the Republicans are doing is more probably a simple power grab, for as much power as they can get, however they can get it, because they already know that the political system has been rendered illegitimate; just as illegitimate as the Supreme Court has become, and they're holding out hope that enough supporters of Authoritarianism can be elected in the meantime to make a final power grab possible when things start falling apart enough for them to use fear to demand dictatorial power; only to restore order you understand, and until such time as the Nation can have the "real disruptors" in the "fake media:, and the "Communists" who pretend to be "Socialists," put in the kinds of "reeducation camps" the Chinese have now become so fond of; irony of irony as former stalwarts of "Communism" now embrace the full corruptive power of mutated Capitalism. And of course, as with inventing outside enemies to scare people with (because Authoritarian Dictatorships have a habit of creating a never ending list of enemies), that same kind of dictatorship is also its own guarantor of continued corruption that will be easily blamed wherever the leadership wants to cast such aspersions.
What is really scary here is that the Democrats might be on the verge of playing right into the hands of what is left of corresponding mutation of the "Republican Party, and they will do that by trying to load up things with a major Progressive, Socialist, legislative agenda (assuming they can get past a still Republican controlled Senate, and a Presidential Veto). And when they do, the money interests now supporting the mutated remains of the Republican Party, will do whatever they can to sabotage the economy, and make the voters as miserable as they can for new "Republican Authoritarianism" to come in and "save the day," so to speak. And don't think this is as far fetched as it may seem at first glance, because there will be numerous, outside, authoritarian players, who would certainly find it in their interests to help mess with things internally here, to an even greater degree than they already have, because we all know that "Birds of a feather, flock together."
Admit it. Republicans have broken politics.
See Also:
Why this far-right candidate won Brazil's election
A million Muslims are held in detention camps that China now portrays as 'humane'
[Post Note: I guess we can see a very big reason, now, why there are now so many desperate people trying to come up here to find sanctuary. But do you think the real issue here is just "Asymmetric Opposition?" I didn't think so. J.V.]