

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

What Do We Do Now That Money Is Running To The Hills, And Out of Stocks, In Search Of Shinny Shit To Hide Their Stashes In

Because that's what money does when its threatened, and the new bio event, around a virus, it seems nobody can contain, is no exception. We really ought to consider here just how unstable this so called "Booming Economy" is; and precisely because our position on this planet has become so unstable.

And one need look no further than an even cursory examination of what will become of liability, and insurance, now that things are going to continue to get ever more dicey.

And this is but one aspect of how a cost based economy will have no chance to continue as before, as the total price for all of the very real advancements in general, material well being, as well as scientific achievements, that Capitalism did indeed provide, now comes due. An amazing engine of advancement in fact, but having acknowledged this still does not change the fact that everything, even a major organizational methodology, has a period of relevancy, and then, as things change, as they always do, that relevancy eventually fades, and goes away. Just ask the original version of Windows. Or even the original version of DOS as an operating system, and how you would do modern enterprise, in today's environment, in them (and what they could run then).

The sad thing here is that, at least as far as the Stock Market is concerned, given the insane, herd mentality, that predominates what passes for thinking there, the idiots are soon going to notice that "oh wait! Aren't our favorite fantasy makers cheap now, comparatively speaking? And if they are, who cares about objective reality. If we all go back and start buying again, the prices will go back up and we'll make more abstract counters...", to put into the servers, that may, or may not, continue to have electricity, to keep running at all (because, naturally, when the shit really starts hitting the fan, on bad events, who can say what will continue to function, or not -- that's the point).

The bottom line here is that I can only hope that you, dear reader. are finally beginning to realize that this formerly relevant system is not only flying apart, as it continues to accelerate too much (with too many dangerous competitions), it is structurally incapable of even seeing, let alone acknowledging, the full ramifications of what is going on, as well as to be able to properly forge a comprehensive solution to meet the problem head on.

I fear that our political leadership, however, is going to have to be forced, by peaceful, civil disobedience, to accept this fact. Which means, if they continue their intransigence, that we must strike across the boards of all economic sectors (excluding, certainly, critical needs services, and products), to make them take us seriously. And a good place to start would be organizing all holders of student, credit card, medical, and even mortgage debt, to stop paying en mass.

And in that vein, if they, being the people who now control money, no longer feel the need to play by anybody but their own rules. You really need to ask yourselves, why are we still struggling, so painfully, to play by rules only we have to play by any more.

Watch CNBC's full interview with Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

It's Time To Accept That Capitalism Has Gone Past It's Use By Date

So many aspects of our, once relevant, economic operating system do not work as they are supposed to any more. The real question, however, is how many systems must fail before the rest of you recognize, and accept this fact.

It is understandable, certainly.

The one thing this toxic monster still does only too well is put as many as it can, on an ever revolving basis, to sleep. The sleep of the fixated. The sleep of the addicted. The sleep of the richly distracted. The permanent sleep of the burned out; having been too successfully marginalized, for far too long. Just to name a few types of the excessive, consumptive anesthetizations that the thing sucks us into now. Even as we move Zombie like on our treadmills of ever more debt, increasingly terrible conditions, and the impossible need to keep running faster just to keep from losing any more ground.

The sleepers must awaken though, just like Paul Atreides' father, the Duke, in Dune made clear.  They must or they will perish. And only time, and the choices of so many, will tell the final tale of this story

Like I Have Said Before, We Truly Are At A Pivot Point

The End Of Moore's law

Is It the End of the IPO as We Know It?

See Also:

Humanity poised to set record for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere — again

There Is No Sustainable Way to Fly

[Post Note] Perhaps the most toxic chemical isn't any one chemical at all, but the insane system that puts profits above all else, and so has no trouble at all in creating, or using, ever more toxic substances, towards that end. J.V.]

What's the Most Toxic Chemical?

Maddow -- Time For Warnings Is Past As Trump Openly Abuses Power -- Rachel Maddow -- MSNBC

Will Democrats Have Proper 20 20 Vision

Friday, February 21, 2020

Whether You Want To Acknowledge It Or Not, We Are At War

Unless you have drank too deep already, of that "Fool-Aid" the terrible Mr. T flaps out of one set of cheeks, or another (he talks out of so many sides of his mouth its difficult to know which set are flapping at any given time, though it all inevitably raises the same kind of stink), and for which the Trump Chump Brigades have drunk so deeply; if you haven't sipped the "Fool-Aid," and slumped into complete stupidity, and willful ignorance, then you might have noticed that we are at war.

Not a shooting war of the old type, you understand, any more than a war of ideology, for it is with information itself that this war is now being fought with -- putting us at a distinct disadvantage because information, and money, are the same things here; and for which too many, of our own citizenry, jealously scheme to control all they can of.

No, this is simply a war for economic dominance by a new financial player; a player who just happens to have the main, operative aspects, of a nation, at his disposal (and someone whom, I suspect, has become the envy of would be Criminal Capitalists everywhere).

This war was no doubt declared secretly, and some number of years ago, but the truly terrible part here is that the people, who's name we mistakenly associate with our election troubles, are not the ones declaring this war. I say that because, though they may certainly suspect it, they weren't actually included in the decision making process, any more than they were told, outright, that the fateful decision had been made.

No, what we are really dealing with here is a new kind of economic entity I have been referring to as "Criminal Capitalism Inc," and able to disguise itself, however ineptly, as a duly elected government. The leader of the main example in existence right now is someone our Terrible Mr. T does everything, in knowing what to kiss when, short of outright, public fellatio, to please. So much so, in fact, that only an idiot wouldn't have reason to at least to be quite suspicious of all of the shenanigans he has been clearly shown to be entangled in, with that Criminal Capitalist entity, that also disguises itself as an actual, representative government.

The bottom line here, though, is something everybody needs to be very clear on. Because we are at war, if you do anything to aid, and abet any, and all, agents working on the behalf of that criminal, economic entity, you are automatically a traitor to this nation. It cannon be otherwise.

The other thing you need to be clear on is that this is also just more more reason why, we as a nation, need to mobilize as an entirety, to an integrated, managed, effort based economy, in order to meet this new threat. Something, of course, that we are also in desperate need to do to have any chance of addressing the changes we will need to make to heal not only the planet, but ourselves as well.

The two sides of our great political divide may well hate each other now, but that does not change the fact, in any way, that, if we don't find a way to work some kind of "Grand Compromise," and very inter coursing soon, as a way to tolerate each other enough to work through these challenges, we will all perish. And that means virtually every body on the planet. No matter which side of the divide you might be on. It's that simple.

It's your choice to make people. You damn well better choose wisely.

Trump Is Mad Dems Know Russia Is Meddling To Get Him Re-Elected -- The 11th Hour -- MSNBC

See Also:

Trump's pardons of Rod Blagojevich and others meant to convince America corruption is OK

Russia is looking to help Trump win in 2020, election security officials told lawmakers

Earth's coral reefs could be gone by 2100, research finds

Two giant icebergs broke off Antarctica. Here's what that means for the continent's health