

Friday, January 31, 2020

And So The Constitution Is Sold Out, On The Cheap

And even if they, at the last minute, do allow a few witnesses, you know it will be an incomplete list, with incomplete documentation, and the final vote will not be impeachment; even with such a mountain of established, factual evidence, of what the man so blatantly did. So a tyrant in the making is embolden to do what tyrants will always do.

Demand more uncontested power.

And so the toadies in the Senate, who enable him, are shown to be not only the cowards they really are, but also the self centered opportunists who don't care what form of destructive evil they tie their ambitions to, so long as they get their thirty pieces of shiny shit. Shiny shit that buys them everything but what is right, moral, human, or loving; all as the planet dies in this supposedly, wonderfully booming, economy. The booming part, of course, becoming more and more obvious as the actual indicator that things have been flying apart for quite some time.

And so now it looks like there isn't anything that's going to be able to stop it, because not only have the Liberals compromised themselves with their own attraction to money (they deal in "Dark Money." too you know), they have no new ideas, to make an obsolete system work within the new rules of electrified experience retrieval. And when, conversely, the other side has abandoned rules altogether; save one, and that being "it's only winning that counts," and the winner, certainly, who gets to do the counting, of the arbitrarily defined, and ever more abstracted, shiny shit.

If this abdication of Constitutional responsibility by the Republicans doesn't convince you to wake the hell up I guess nothing else will. A pity. A real, absolutely damning pity.

Just remember this moment when things start really hitting the fan. Remember that we could have turned it around if we could have just stopped listening to the corrupted money men.

All of life, as we have come to know it, is going down the figurative drain because so many of you couldn't wake the hell up, and start listening with your heart, and your head, in dynamic balance.

I wonder even if all that many of you will share any sense of my shame that so few of us, did anything at all, to really try and keep this from happening.

I know I should have done more, sooner. Too many mistakes, from too many distractions, and my own poor choices early on. But I have always tried to not to let that stop me from doing what I can do, in the ever ongoing present. I have to admit, though, that I was hoping to get more of you to do the same.

McConnell Keeps GOP In Line With Dark Money War Chest -- Whitehouse -- Rachel Maddow -- MSNBC

Jeffrey Toobin: This means impeachment trial was a sham

See Also:

The New Video of One of the Scariest Places on Earth

How Fertilizers Create A Dead Zone In The Gulf Of Mexico

[Post Note: This bit of ironic occurrence should richly illustrate how the constructs of "Facade" men have a habit of not being made of all that much substance. Precisely because they were never meant to beJ.V.]
Watch Trump's Border Wall Get Blown Over By A Gust Of Wind

Sunday, January 26, 2020

These Are The Scenarios You Have Fear With This Man

As the escalating situation with the Corona Virus, and Australian Fire Tragedy, indicates only too well, sometime, in the next four years, it is highly likely, that either a world weather event, or a world political event, or a world economic event, or world biological event (etc), will trigger so many subsequent, and nearly catastrophic, collateral effects, to things that affect the other three areas just mentioned, that the cascading waves of total, net disruption, will bring the world's economy to its knees. And whether that event starts here, or not (as you are already beginning to see), it will be just as devastating to our economy, and related institutions, and critical services systems, as it will be for everybody else; and perhaps even more so.

As such, and precisely because of the severity of the total, cascading effect, the national mobilization, that I have been suggesting we think about doing, before the crisis hits, will be forced upon us. And in that will be the virtually inescapable need for government to take over management of the economy, and insuring the re-establishment of some kind of social order.

Now ask yourself. Do you want a clearly disturbed individual, who throws tantrums, that a three year old would admire, every time he is told that power is supposed to have limits?

One who unabashedly covets, and admires, every brutal thug, and murderous dictator out there, and who no doubt wishes he could be our "Dear Leader." Just like Kim Jong-un?

Do you want that person to be in rightful possession (because this will be a very real emergency) of what will be an effective dictator, for as long as the dictator says it needs to continue?

Are you really, seriously, comfortable with that? Because if you are then I don't see how this country does anything but end up having itself torn apart, and the rest of the world, apart with it, and precisely because we're making enemies both of ourselves, as well as with seeming to provide so much of the rest of the world with cause to do the same to us; making us all the more vulnerable.

Just remember that this is the guy that has pressed the high jacking of construction funds that would have rebuilt the flooding devastation at Camp Lejeune (where working and living conditions were seriously compromised). Construction funds that might also be used to start addressing how our Navy is going to be able to service any of it's ships, much less build new ones, if most dry dock facilities are under rising sea levels. Doing all of this, naturally, because it's something that would make him look good, delivering on a really stupid campaign promise; because building walls does nothing to solve a very complex refugee problem.

Just remember that this is the guy who put on a child's triad because his Generals weren't ready enough go kill more people for oil. Which, of course, only people with gobs of money want to continue pursuing, at all costs; but in this case, to working people, almost exclusively.

Just remember that this is the guy gutting every protection, and investigative agency the government has. The very people who were supposed to protect us from bad things being put into the environment, and us. Who were supposed to let us know that bad actors, either in the economy, or government, at various levels, were ignoring reasonable intents to save lives, and resources, at the behest of the very rich entities they are supposed to be watching over. Watch over things so that they don't blow up on us regularly, or start major fire storms, or put more nasty chemicals in our drinking water, etc.

This is the guy you are going to trust if you let this happen. This is the guy you think will resist the time honored dictum of: "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

If that's where a majority of you decide to put your trust then all I can say is that I am glad I am old, and not likely to be around a whole lot longer.

Images of the coronavirus threat

Images of the Australian fires

See also:
'Thug,' 'Threat' -- Endorsing Impeachment, Top Newspapers Unload On Trump -- MSNBC

Nicolle Wallace -- It Shouldn't Take Courage To Admit Trump's Wrongdoing, Just Common Sense -- MSNBC

Pompeo steps up attacks on NPR reporter, but doesn't deny her account

Articles On The Effect Of Taking Money From Military Construction Budget To Build Trump's Boarder Wall.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Time, And Truth, Will Hold You All Accountable

How many more children must be ripped from their parents; many to never be reunited again? Simply because their parents were made to be desperate by horribly chaotic conditions in their home countries? Conditions that we bare a significant share of the responsibility for.

How many tyrants aided, and existing "Dear Leaders" abetted, will it take, as they kill more journalists, dissenters, and the simply weak and desperate?

How many innocent people killed simply because he throws a tantrum, based on whatever crazy impulse that grabs him at the moment? How many more of our once valued foreign relationships pissed, and defecated on, figuratively speaking, will it take, isolating us ever more from effective engagement with the rest of the world? Creating more fear, and suspicion and, of course, more fertile ground for a budding new "Dear Leader" to come into being, to save us all from it.

How many more states, of his own base, must suffer the most from not having affordable healthcare; of being the dumping ground for so many polluting industries; or of suffering the most from the opioid epidemic; and that because the real economic policies he promotes, and not the smoke he likes to blow up most people's butts, creates more and more lost people, as well as more and more very sick people. People who have had their sense of value, meaning, and whether they matter or not, taken away from their hands, and those of the folks who live with them, in their communities, and put instead into the "Invisible Hands" of an absolutely, inhuman, toxic, and mutated, old economic operating system. One that we cannot possibly continue with, precisely because it is so supremely out of date.

This is so not about the fact that the Dems lost the last election, and he won. We are well past that unfortunate occurrence (and for which both political parties, as well as a corrupt economy itself now, are responsible for), and current factual reality.

This is about the fact that, not only is he guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors (which his own people have already admitted to, and the facts for which the other side are unable to dispute), he is criminally incompetent to hold that job any longer.  Absolutely criminally incompetent. I mean seriously, he can't even read a brief passage in the Constitution, or recieve factual military briefings, without throwing a tantrum.

Better think long and hard on this Senators. Long and hard.

NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - January 21th, 2020

See Also:

America’s Radioactive Secret

How the US helped create El Salvador’s bloody gang war

Articles on the President's move to eliminate environmental and safety regulations

'The blob', a huge marine heatwave, killed nearly a million seabirds in the biggest known die-off of its kind

BlackRock CEO says climate crisis will trigger 'a fundamental reshaping of finance'

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Ugly Side Of Cutting Corners In The Name Of Profit

Ugly as it is also impractical, in the long term, this kind of mentality additionally serves to illustrate the difference between those who would covet only the making of more meaningless counters; as opposed to those who want to make something meaningful that they can be proud of; something not only truly useful, but truly safe to use as well; throughout its entire operational lifespan.

As Capitalism has clearly shown us, however, one of these modes of operation has a future, and the other does not.

For Capitalism, of course, the choice has always been to cut corners, for the sake of bigger profits. And we have seen what that results in.

Now that the planet, and life in general, are making it clear that the unpaid debt, for this lack of wisdom, is no longer renegotiable. There will be no further refinancing rounds to carry the burden forward a few more decades as there is simply no more habitat capital, or life process carrying capacity, left to fiddle away with any longer. We've used it up and now it is time to change radically, or reap the whirlwind.

And do keep in mind that it is not just the poisons put, or the heat blocking molecules, or simple indifference to other people's safety, that is output here, and for which many suffer. It is also the very nature of our change in sensibilities; the way we perceive, and conceive of the world about us, and thus also of how we need to fit within that changing world. A fact brought about by the very nature of our changing, new forms of instrumentality; the new extensions of our faculties that demand new ways of engaging with the world (as Marshall McLuhan, and Harold Innis amply demonstrated in their books).

The upshot of this is that we now need meaningful involvement in depth, as opposed to the old notion of segmented, isolated, and unbelievably abstracted, kinds of machine work; work that is the hallmark of assembly line manufacturing, for the needs of mass production. So instead of being made to feel like we matter, and that we are needed, to keep our redefined, working communities going, we continue with the kind of production that mass consumption demands; with its terrible burden of economic marginalizations, to keep both the power status quo, and weaponized messaging, going to keep the hard sell going, to keep the consumption able to provide the ever more jobs for ever more people going. And so nobody trusts much of anything anybody else says anymore, and common ground becomes ever more difficult to find.

Yes, things are quite literally "Booming" these days. They are doing so,
however, as an impossibly old engine that's not only suddenly operating on a new, super fuel, but also operating with a transmission system that puts power, to old wheels, in the control of too few, and all operating with only one dictum: "More pedal to the metal, and damn the pieces flying off," just as long as we keep on doing more, faster. More profits, more money, more power to press the pedal down harder. For surely there will always be enough money to buy our way out of whatever. Right? Even if things fly to pieces all together?

So the question is, which type of person are you going to be now that our biggest choice as a species is staring us right between the eyes, and the clock is ticking.

Internal Boeing messages show disdain for regulators, 'clowns' who designed troubled 737 Max jet

See Also:

Inside Documents Show How Amazon Chose Speed Over Safety in Building Its Delivery Network

Who Killed the Knapp Family

'Like sending bees to war' -- the deadly truth behind your almond-milk obsession

What Does Amazon Do With Their Billions Of Pounds Of Unsold Inventory?

Why Are Young Americans Killing Themselves?